Summer Fun

While it has not been the most social summer, it has been a productive one. My tree planting documentary is a quarter done, my kitchen counter tops have been re-done and my closest has been turned into an office space. Post-tree planting I went to New York, spent time by the red river, spent a […]

T’es pas toujours beaux quand t’es en vélo.

Bike tour – Montréal to Quebec City. 2 days done. 175km biked. Made it to just outside Nicolet, Québec. Things I have learnt after 1 or 2 days bike touring: – fill up your water every chance you get. – bike touring is really like learning to ride a bike again. When I left my […]

Midnight in Paris

I wanted to give a detailed description of my trip to Paris last month. Alas, with papers to write and books to read, I’ve lost the will. I will say however that is was incredible. Seeing family was great. We were pampered and well taken care of and the trip couldn’t have been any better. […]

We’re all in the money now

I’m not packed, I know very little Spanish, I forgot to exchange my money, I’m sitting at a cafe instead of getting things done, I don’t know where I’ll be sleeping Monday night, I forgot to buy insurance, I am only now looking into the country and in all respects, I don’t know what I’m […]